Islam czyha?

Bardziej i mniej konkretne rozmowy na określone tematy, niezwiązane bezpośrednio z tematyką strony, ale nurtujące niemal każdego. To wcześniejszy Duży Hyde Park plus kilka luźniejszych tematów.

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Forumowy Inkwizytor
Forumowy Inkwizytor
Posty: 2236
Rejestracja: 27 sty 2007, 21:40
Lokalizacja: Greenbelt

17 lut 2009, 20:49

Założyciel muzułmańskiej stacji telewizyjnej, która nadawała w Stanach Zjednoczonych jest oskarżony o brutalne morderstwo swojej żony. Zabójca obciął jej głowę - informuje BBC.

Założyciel Bridges TV Muzzammil Hassan z żoną44 - letni Muzzammil Hassan jest oskarżony o zabójstwo ze szczególnym okrucieństwem swojej żony. Pozbawione głowy ciało Aasiy'i Hassan znaleziono w pobliżu siedziby stacji w stanie Nowy Jork. Małżeństwo Hassanów pracowało razem w telewizji Bridges TV. Celem nadającej na terenie Stanów Zjednoczonych stacji było zwalczanie negatywnych stereotypów na temat Muzułmanów.

Śledczy ustalili, że 37 - letnia kobieta złożyła wcześniej pozew rozwodowy. Hassanowie mieli dwoje dzieci w wieku czterech i sześciu lat.

Muzzammil Hassan w 2004 r. założył nadawany przez satelitę kanał informacyjny Bridges TV. Jego siedziba znajduje się na przedmieściach miasta Buffalo w stanie Nowy Jork.

Według prawnika pani Hassan jego klientka wniosła o rozwód, po tym jak została pobita przez męża. Jak twierdzi adwokat w domu Hassanów często dochodziło do przypadków przemocy.

W oświadczeniu opublikowanym na stronie internetowej stacji jej przedstawiciele tłumaczą, że "są głęboko zaszokowani śmiercią Aasiy'i Hassan i aresztowaniem jej męża".

Sąd rodzinny w Buffalo zdecyduje, czy prawa do opieki nad dwójką osieroconych dzieci przyznać ich dziadkom. Pochodzący z Pakistanu Muzzammil Hassan ma już dwójkę nastoletnich dzieci z poprzedniego małżeństwa. ... zonie.html
Ciekawe ile jeszcze będzie takich wypadków zanim muzułmanie stracą status świętych krów w zachodniej cywilizacji?

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Posty: 14479
Rejestracja: 25 sty 2007, 02:00
Lokalizacja: z naprzeciwka
Postawił piwo: 1 raz
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18 lut 2009, 18:50

Mr Minio pisze:A tego to w ogóle nie rozumiem. Została za to, że ZOSTAŁA zgwałcona? Bezsens.
Bo była kobietą. A tam prawo dyktują mężczyźni. Prawo wygodne dla nich, mężczyzn i muzułmanów. Że bezsens? Ano, bezsens.
kazik pisze:Ciekawe ile jeszcze będzie takich wypadków zanim muzułmanie stracą status świętych krów w zachodniej cywilizacji?
Oby jak najszybciej! Chciałoby się lubić islam i muzułmanów, ale to takie trudne i mało realne. :/

Zawsze jest ryzyko, że wyczerpałeś już limit dobrych dni i czeka cię już tylko samo zło...
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Forumowy Inkwizytor
Forumowy Inkwizytor
Posty: 2236
Rejestracja: 27 sty 2007, 21:40
Lokalizacja: Greenbelt

19 sie 2009, 21:04

W tym temacie zieAK opisuje krwawe zamachy w Bagdadzie. Osobiście powiązałem je z nadchodzącym Ramadanem, które w Islamie jest miesiącem postu, modlitwy i zamachów. Przed chwilą jednak natknąłem się na ciekawą nowinę ze świata wyznawców Allaha i jego proroka:

Ajatollah Chamenei wezwał we wtorek muzułmańskie narody z całego świata, by zjednoczyć siłę wojskową w odpowiedzi na nieuchronne nadejście islamskiego mesjasza - Mahdiego.

Irański duchowny i polityk zaprosił za pośrednictwem swojego rzecznika szczególnie Turcję, Irak, Liban, Pakistan i Afganistan, aby wraz z Iranem wzięły udział w przygotowaniach do rychłego podejścia Mahdiego. Ajatollah wzywa do walki z Izraelem i Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Islamscy ekstremiści uznają te kraje za największe przeszkody w nadejściu „wieku islamskiej sprawiedliwości”. ... owy_dzihad

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Wytrenowany morderca
Wytrenowany morderca
Posty: 1996
Rejestracja: 20 sie 2008, 14:31
Lokalizacja: Outer-Outer Heaven

19 sie 2009, 22:59

Dopóki my w to nie jesteśmy zamieszani, to uważam, że to niezły pomysł. Będziemy mieli na co popatrzeć, a media jak zwykle się najedzą do syta. :diabel:

Ach, ten cały świat... ta ludzkość. xD

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Dr. Dundersztyc
Szalony Naukowiec
Szalony Naukowiec
Posty: 1299
Rejestracja: 05 gru 2007, 22:48
Lokalizacja: Druelselstein

19 sie 2009, 23:56

Wyznawcy tej doktryny chcą ją propagować także poza granicami Iranu, aby – jak mówią – doprowadzić do zjednoczenia muzułmanów na całym świecie.
Mieszkańcy Rodos (Cypru) poproszą o pomoc,
Ponieważ czują się opuszczeni na skutek niedbałości
swych spadkobierców:
Cesarstwo Arabskie umocni swój kurs,
Co zostanie skorygowane przez mocarstwa zachodnie.

Nostradamus - Teraźniejszość 4,39

[quote="Aleksander N. Centurio "Przepowiednie Nostradamusa" Październik 2001 s. 28"]IMPERIUM ARABSKIE

Według przepowiedni jasnowidza twór ten stanie się się w ciągu nadchodzących dziesięcioleci polityczną rzeczywistością. Już w latach sześćdziesiątych marzeniem cierpiącego na manie wielkości Nassera było utworzenie arabskiego imperium, do którego należałyby wszystkie państwa arabskie. Uważając się za nowego faraona usiłował pod swoim przewodnictwem dowartościować przed forum światowych mocarstw swoje słabo rozwinięte państwo - Egipt, przyjmując przy tym pozę Herostrata.[/quote]
Według islamskich teologów Mahdi zaoferuje chrześcijanom i żydom przyjęcie islamu, po to, aby ich ocalić.
W okolicy szczęśliwej Arabii urodzi się potężny,
Który opowie się za islamem:
Będzie męczył Hiszpanię i ponownie zdobędzie
Jeszcze bardziej zniszczy naród Ligurii (Włochy) na morzu.

Nostradamus 5,55 - Ostatnie trzydziestolecie XX wieku.

W tym roku bardzo bliskim, lecz w oddaleniu
od Wenus,
Dwaj najwięksi Azji i Afryki,
Jak będzie się mówić, przybędą od Renu i Dunaju,
Krzyki i łzy na Malcie i na liguryjskim wybrzeżu.

Nostradamus - wiersz 1 i 2, bliska przyszłość, wieszcz 3 i 4 około 2030 4,68, por.: 4,68 5,68

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Posty: 1227
Rejestracja: 28 gru 2006, 16:51
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz / Gdańsk

07 wrz 2009, 19:53

Smutny to temat, oj, smutny. Dziwi mnie, że to Islam w przeszłości był tą religią tolerancyjną, a chrześcijaństwo agresorem (tak wiem, muzułmanie podbijali Hiszpanię i Bałkany, ale robili to dla celów ekspansyjnych, a nie, żeby szerzyć wyznanie). W państwach arabskich panowała wolność wyznania, giaurzy jedynie musieli płacić większe podatki. Chrześcijaństwo wtedy urządzało sobie krucjaty, później pacyfikowało i nawracało Ameryki, Afrykę, inkwizycja szalała. Teraz co prawda fanatyków również można spotkać, ale to Islam podnosi rękę na innych.

Powiem wam, co o tym myślę - G.Ł.U.P.O.T.A! Konflikty religijne to jedna z najdebilniejszych dla mnie form nienawiści.

Moja ścieżka - ateizm (ew. agnostycyzm, ale chodzi mi o laickie życie). Nie podważam mądrości świętych ksiąg, a nawet zachęcam do czytania, nikogo nie próbuję nawrócić. Patrzę tylko, jak sobie skaczą do gardeł, albo próbują mnie nawrócić, zarzucając brak zasad i moralności, haha! Mam więcej moralności, niż niejeden gorliwiec. Mój kolega, praktykujący katolik strzela z wiatrówki do ptaków i kotów, to jest moralne? Zasady moralne można ustanawiać sobie bez obecności sił nadprzyrodzonych, a nazywa się to etyka.

I nie, nie wierzę w wszechpotężnego potwora spaghetti, jest to bezsensowne drażnienie chrześcijan, poza tym jako ateista z założenia nie wierzę w nic z tych rzeczy.

Zaznaczam, nikogo nie będę nawet próbował nawrócić, religia swojej mocy zastraszenia już nie będzie posiadać, a i coraz mniej ludzi, ładnie mówiąc, przekonuje do siebie, więc wierzę, że wszechobecne odrzucenie bytów nadprzyrodzonych to tylko kwestia paru pokoleń (w Europie), ponieważ religia, to przyzwyczajenie i przypadek, kto urodził się w Europie, ten chrześcijanin, kto urodził się w Azji, ten taoista, albo Muzułmanin itp.

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Mr Minio
Posty: 7035
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2007, 14:24

15 wrz 2009, 17:26

Dzisiaj na XFire napisał do mnie pewien koleś z Egiptu. Potem jak się okazało jest muzułmaninem. Fajnie się z nim gadało. Poniżej wklejam rozmowę.

[14:53] Mr Minio: hello, woh are you?
[14:53] Mr Minio: who*
[14:53] amrmahmoud: hello
[14:54] amrmahmoud: i see u in the friends of friends :D
[14:54] amrmahmoud: and i said to me there is no proplem if i add u
[14:54] amrmahmoud: right ?
[14:54] Mr Minio: yep
[14:54] amrmahmoud: thnx
[14:54] Mr Minio: np
[14:55] Mr Minio: what kind of music do you listen to, what kind of games, explain :P
[14:55] amrmahmoud: Games : action and startegy
[14:56] amrmahmoud: music : rock , classic , romance , etc
[14:56] amrmahmoud: :D
[14:56] Mr Minio: oh
[14:56] Mr Minio: bands?
[14:56] amrmahmoud: what ?
[14:56] Mr Minio: what bands?
[14:57] amrmahmoud: what bands ?
[14:57] Mr Minio: what badns do you listen to?
[14:57] amrmahmoud: hehe ,sorry i dont understand what is meaning of bands :D:D
[14:58] amrmahmoud: where r u from
[14:58] Mr Minio: band- music group who's playing music
[14:58] Mr Minio: poland
[14:58] amrmahmoud: oh , welcome 2 u
[14:58] Mr Minio: and you?
[14:58] amrmahmoud: Egypt
[14:58] Mr Minio: nice
[14:58] amrmahmoud: :D
[14:59] Mr Minio: you're my first friend from africa
[14:59] amrmahmoud: hehe really ?
[14:59] Mr Minio: yes
[14:59] amrmahmoud: you play call of duty 4 ?
[14:59] Mr Minio: nope
[14:59] amrmahmoud: mmm
[15:00] amrmahmoud: so what kind of games ?
[15:00] Mr Minio: all types without strategies
[15:00] amrmahmoud: mmm
[15:00] amrmahmoud: like...
[15:00] Mr Minio: tribes vengeance, postal 2, world of warcraft and moooore
[15:00] amrmahmoud: mmm
[15:00] amrmahmoud: good
[15:01] Mr Minio: played ever any of these games?
[15:02] amrmahmoud: Nope :D:D , world warcraft is the only game i know it
[15:02] amrmahmoud: how old r u
[15:02] Mr Minio: 15
[15:02] amrmahmoud: good
[15:02] Mr Minio: and you?
[15:02] Assassin#Amr3000: 16 :D
[15:02] Mr Minio: ok
[15:03] Mr Minio: i'm going to buy the guitar and learn how to play it
[15:03] Assassin#Amr3000: mmmm , very nice
[15:03] Mr Minio: electric ofc
[15:03] <amrmahmoud gra teraz w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[15:03] Assassin#Amr3000: i love it :D
[15:04] Mr Minio: looooooooool
[15:04] Mr Minio: cod4
[15:04] <amrmahmoud przestał grać w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[15:04] Mr Minio: :P
[15:04] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[15:04] Mr Minio: won?
[15:04] Assassin#Amr3000: yeah
[15:05] Mr Minio: fast
[15:05] Assassin#Amr3000: u know it
[15:05] Assassin#Amr3000: ?
[15:05] Mr Minio: know what?
[15:05] Mr Minio: cod4?
[15:05] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:05] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[15:05] Mr Minio: yes, but i havent this game
[15:05] Mr Minio: i played demo single only
[15:05] Assassin#Amr3000: it is perfect
[15:06] Assassin#Amr3000: it is very good multiplayer game
[15:06] Mr Minio: your nick is strange
[15:06] Mr Minio: and i know
[15:06] Mr Minio: mine's too
[15:06] Assassin#Amr3000: i hope u to play it
[15:06] Mr Minio: :P
[15:06] Mr Minio: i learn english since 2 years
[15:06] Mr Minio: and you?
[15:07] Assassin#Amr3000: ohhhhhh
[15:07] Assassin#Amr3000: i'm learning english all my life
[15:07] Assassin#Amr3000: from kg1
[15:07] <amrmahmoud gra teraz w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[15:07] Mr Minio: what's kg1?
[15:07] <amrmahmoud przestał grać w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[15:07] Assassin#Amr3000: it is the year in which i was very young in
[15:08] Mr Minio: hmm
[15:08] Mr Minio: how much years?
[15:08] Assassin#Amr3000: maybe 10 years or 9
[15:08] <amrmahmoud gra teraz w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[15:09] Mr Minio: where do you live?
[15:09] Mr Minio: kair?
[15:09] Mr Minio: gisa?
[15:09] Mr Minio: alexandria xD
[15:09] Mr Minio: ?
[15:09] Assassin#Amr3000: Alexandria
[15:09] Mr Minio: yeah
[15:09] Mr Minio: said it
[15:09] Assassin#Amr3000: lol
[15:09] Mr Minio: i live in lubsko it's small city
[15:09] Assassin#Amr3000: yo know it ?
[15:09] Mr Minio: yes
[15:09] Assassin#Amr3000: good
[15:10] Mr Minio: it's near middle sea
[15:10] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:10] Mr Minio: alexander the great made it
[15:10] Assassin#Amr3000: hehe yeah he is
[15:10] Mr Minio: i'm good at geography
[15:10] Assassin#Amr3000: thats good
[15:11] Mr Minio: i think i'm smart
[15:11] Assassin#Amr3000: hehe :D
[15:11] Mr Minio: i'm one of best in my class :P
[15:11] Mr Minio: but i never learn
[15:11] Assassin#Amr3000: thank yo'r god for that
[15:11] Mr Minio: just know all things from lesson
[15:12] Assassin#Amr3000: thankgod
[15:12] Mr Minio: did it :P
[15:12] Assassin#Amr3000: HEHE
[15:12] Assassin#Amr3000: WHAT IS YO"R RELIGION ?
[15:12] Mr Minio: christianity
[15:12] Mr Minio: your's islam i guess
[15:12] Assassin#Amr3000: mmmm
[15:12] Assassin#Amr3000: yes i'm
[15:13] Mr Minio: it's nice to can meet someone who believe in other religion
[15:13] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:14] Mr Minio: we can learn something about us religions
[15:14] Assassin#Amr3000: bt every one know that his religion is the right
[15:14] Mr Minio: yes, so speaking about what's religion is better has no sense
[15:14] Mr Minio: religion is religion
[15:14] Mr Minio: god is a god
[15:14] Mr Minio: that;s all
[15:15] Assassin#Amr3000: bt christians didnt love mohamed the prophet
[15:15] Assassin#Amr3000: and say that there is no one his name is that
[15:15] Mr Minio: yes
[15:15] Assassin#Amr3000: b
[15:15] Assassin#Amr3000: thats wrong
[15:16] Mr Minio: and islams believe christ is only prophet, but no son of god
[15:16] Assassin#Amr3000: yes there is no son of dod
[15:16] Assassin#Amr3000: of god
[15:16] Assassin#Amr3000: *
[15:16] Mr Minio: it's your opinion
[15:16] Mr Minio: noone knows it in 100%
[15:17] Mr Minio: but you'll say something other
[15:17] Mr Minio: :P
[15:17] Assassin#Amr3000: MMMm . we say in the qor2an :- for yo' yo'r religons and for 's o'r religons
[15:18] Mr Minio: lol
[15:18] Mr Minio: yo'r
[15:18] Assassin#Amr3000: w8
[15:18] Assassin#Amr3000: sorry
[15:18] Assassin#Amr3000: the U was not typing god
[15:18] Assassin#Amr3000: any ' meant u
[15:19] Mr Minio: oh
[15:19] Mr Minio: ok
[15:20] Mr Minio: do you think you can kill infidels for allah?
[15:20] Assassin#Amr3000: w8 a moment
[15:21] Assassin#Amr3000: look
[15:21] Assassin#Amr3000: if some one was a moslem and he left the islam and become infidel , alah said that we must kill him
[15:22] Mr Minio: but someone who is infidel from born?
[15:22] Assassin#Amr3000: because he didnt feels alah and his gifts to the human
[15:22] Mr Minio: sorry, but i can't understand how someone can kill someone for something
[15:22] Mr Minio: kill is kill for me
[15:23] Assassin#Amr3000: look
[15:23] Assassin#Amr3000: alah is very kind
[15:23] Assassin#Amr3000: and very fair
[15:23] Mr Minio: when someone killed someone he must go to the jail
[15:23] Assassin#Amr3000: and he love us
[15:23] Mr Minio: yes, god love us
[15:23] Mr Minio: loves*
[15:24] Assassin#Amr3000: alah said that we must worship him because he is our god
[15:24] Assassin#Amr3000: he is our maker
[15:24] Assassin#Amr3000: we are nothing without him
[15:24] Mr Minio: i know
[15:24] Mr Minio: we're nothing without god
[15:24] Assassin#Amr3000: how come a human body leaves the religion and alah forgive him ???
[15:25] Mr Minio: tell it to infidels who dont believe in anything
[15:25] Mr Minio: they're ateists
[15:25] Assassin#Amr3000: after allllll of that , he became an infidel
[15:25] Assassin#Amr3000: why ?
[15:25] Assassin#Amr3000: yeah
[15:25] Assassin#Amr3000: i hate them
[15:25] Assassin#Amr3000: alah will not leave them
[15:25] Mr Minio: and you?
[15:25] Mr Minio: you wanna kill em?
[15:25] Assassin#Amr3000: no
[15:26] Mr Minio: is any probablility for you that alah does not exist?
[15:26] Assassin#Amr3000: the judgement is with alah
[15:26] Assassin#Amr3000: not with us
[15:26] Mr Minio: yes, in our religion is judgment too
[15:27] Mr Minio: human's soul goes to hell or to heaven
[15:27] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:27] Assassin#Amr3000: u r right
[15:27] Assassin#Amr3000: havnt u asked ur parents , why the cristians hate the profet mohamed ??
[15:28] Assassin#Amr3000: or asked any body ?
[15:28] Mr Minio: they dont hate him
[15:28] Mr Minio: they just dont believe
[15:28] Mr Minio: he's propher
[15:28] Assassin#Amr3000: they dont belive
[15:28] Assassin#Amr3000: why
[15:28] Assassin#Amr3000: ?
[15:28] Mr Minio: and why you dont believe christ is a son of god?
[15:28] Mr Minio: answer me then i will answer you
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: because in the kor2an there is a part that says that
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: alah is lonley
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: no sons
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: no wifer
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: no wife*
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: no parents
[15:29] Assassin#Amr3000: no any thing
[15:29] Mr Minio: we have other prophets in our saint book(biblie), and there's no place for him
[15:30] Mr Minio: how human can dont have parents?
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: in the day of judgment alah will show us who is wrong and who is right
[15:30] Mr Minio: christ had st. maria
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: and before this day
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: in this life
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: will show us
[15:30] Mr Minio: and then we all will be wrong
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: who is wrong
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: and who is right
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: no
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: cant
[15:30] Mr Minio: because wars about religion are very bad
[15:30] Assassin#Amr3000: alah didnt made us for nothing
[15:31] Mr Minio: god too
[15:31] Assassin#Amr3000: there is must be one of these religions right
[15:31] Assassin#Amr3000: any one afraid from alah
[15:31] Mr Minio: god made us for his similarity
[15:32] Mr Minio: look, i believe god is only 1, peoples call him god, allah, buddha, or other, but it's still SAME GOD
[15:32] Assassin#Amr3000: yes he is one
[15:32] Mr Minio: women in your country must have hidden face?
[15:32] Mr Minio: why?
[15:33] Mr Minio: or in your religion- islam
[15:33] Assassin#Amr3000: to avoid bad things that happens in europe and america
[15:33] Assassin#Amr3000: and all over the world
[15:33] Mr Minio: you think nudes etc?
[15:34] Mr Minio: but i didnt say all body
[15:34] Mr Minio: only face
[15:34] Assassin#Amr3000: face is allowed
[15:34] Mr Minio: really?
[15:34] Assassin#Amr3000: who says that the face is hidden
[15:34] Mr Minio: but women has shawls
[15:35] Mr Minio: have*
[15:35] Assassin#Amr3000: what shawls ?
[15:35] Mr Minio: cloth
[15:35] Mr Minio: hidden face
[15:35] Assassin#Amr3000: look
[15:36] Mr Minio: yes/
[15:36] Assassin#Amr3000: there is alot of thingssssss i hope to talk it with u
[15:37] Mr Minio: so let's talk
[15:37] Assassin#Amr3000: but there is so many hard words i cant explain it to u
[15:37] Mr Minio: oh
[15:37] Mr Minio: maybe these worlds are problems to understand borh religions?
[15:38] Assassin#Amr3000: yessssss
[15:38] Assassin#Amr3000: u r right , very right
[15:38] Mr Minio: see
[15:38] Mr Minio: we can liuve in peace
[15:38] Mr Minio: live*
[15:38] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:38] Assassin#Amr3000: and then
[15:39] Assassin#Amr3000: in the day of judgment allah will show us who is right and who is wrong
[15:39] Mr Minio: ok
[15:39] Assassin#Amr3000: afraid from that day ?
[15:39] Mr Minio: no
[15:39] Assassin#Amr3000: didnt u afraid if u are the wrong ?
[15:40] Mr Minio: maybe, but i think we're right
[15:40] Mr Minio: you thing you're right
[15:40] Mr Minio: but this day can come when we all will be in tombs
[15:40] Assassin#Amr3000: alah giude you all to the right way
[15:40] Assassin#Amr3000: alah will show us
[15:40] Assassin#Amr3000: and in that day
[15:40] Assassin#Amr3000: we will see
[15:41] Mr Minio: you said it
[15:41] Mr Minio: many times
[15:42] <amrmahmoud przestał grać w Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Multiplayer>
[15:42] Mr Minio: because god is good and wont hurt, kill, or damn us, he will say us all these things
[15:42] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:42] Assassin#Amr3000: u r right
[15:42] Mr Minio: thought ever what's when ANY GOD does not exists?
[15:43] Mr Minio: if that's all is lie?
[15:43] Assassin#Amr3000: what
[15:43] Assassin#Amr3000: lollllllll
[15:43] Assassin#Amr3000: so how did we come
[15:43] Assassin#Amr3000: from where
[15:43] Assassin#Amr3000: who made us
[15:43] Mr Minio: evolution
[15:43] Mr Minio: from apes/monkeys
[15:43] Assassin#Amr3000: who bring us to life
[15:44] Mr Minio: some poeoples believe it
[15:44] Assassin#Amr3000: who made all of thoese galaxies
[15:44] Assassin#Amr3000: and all of this world
[15:44] Assassin#Amr3000: who mad all of that
[15:44] Mr Minio: infidels believe there was a great blast
[15:44] Mr Minio: but it's strange
[15:44] Assassin#Amr3000: they are fools
[15:44] Assassin#Amr3000: stupids
[15:45] Assassin#Amr3000: i cant understand how they are thinking
[15:45] Mr Minio: and you can understand how christians are thinking?
[15:45] Mr Minio: because i can, but some things are wrong for me and i dont believe them
[15:46] Mr Minio: when something exit the islam and become infidel allah will kill him, or peoples
[15:46] Mr Minio: ?
[15:46] Mr Minio: someone i mean
[15:47] Assassin#Amr3000: i want to explain to u soooooooo many things, and give u evidences to my words , but the langiage
[15:47] Assassin#Amr3000: language*
[15:48] Mr Minio: yes, language is blocks it all
[15:48] Mr Minio: :9
[15:48] Assassin#Amr3000: yeah
[15:48] Mr Minio: some peoples thinks you're all bad terrorists who kills all infidels, and believers
[15:49] Mr Minio: i don't believe it
[15:49] Mr Minio: i think terrorist dont know how to read koran
[15:49] Assassin#Amr3000: we are torrorists ???? moslems ???
[15:49] Mr Minio: they're doing it wrong
[15:49] Mr Minio: for me
[15:49] Assassin#Amr3000: many thanks to them
[15:49] Mr Minio: SOME peoples think
[15:49] Mr Minio: i dont think
[15:49] Assassin#Amr3000: i feel pain when i hear words like that
[15:50] Mr Minio: must do homeworks :(
[15:50] Assassin#Amr3000: okay
[15:50] Assassin#Amr3000: cya
[15:51] Assassin#Amr3000: we must talk again
[15:51] Mr Minio: but no problem, ill just answer lately/slowly
[15:52] Mr Minio: many peoples just know nothing about islam and talk wrong things
[15:52] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:52] Assassin#Amr3000: i hate that
[15:52] Assassin#Amr3000: alah giude them to the right way
[15:52] Mr Minio: they must learn about that religion
[15:53] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[15:53] Mr Minio: my english isn't that good to explain you all thinks too
[15:54] Mr Minio: so we are both in same trouble
[15:54] Assassin#Amr3000: me 2
[15:54] Assassin#Amr3000: i wanna talk to u more and more and tell u more and explain
[15:54] Mr Minio: what's your name?
[15:54] Assassin#Amr3000: but the language dont help us
[15:54] Assassin#Amr3000: my name is Amr
[15:54] Assassin#Amr3000: Amr mahmoud
[15:54] Mr Minio: Marcin
[15:54] Mr Minio: nice to meet you
[15:55] Mr Minio: nice conversation :P
[15:55] Assassin#Amr3000: nice to meet u too
[15:55] Assassin#Amr3000: thanx
[15:55] Mr Minio: i think you're smart person and you know much about your religion
[15:56] Assassin#Amr3000: thanx very much , u r the smart
[15:56] Assassin#Amr3000: and yes i know my religion perfectly and i love it
[15:56] Mr Minio: i think peace is a need, all world in peace- that's my dream
[15:56] Mr Minio: no war
[15:57] Assassin#Amr3000: say that to israel :))
[15:57] Assassin#Amr3000: murdere and mascure night after night palastine's people
[15:57] Mr Minio: when is war kings/presidents of countries fight, but normal peoples are damaged most
[15:58] Assassin#Amr3000: destroyed our mosques , our homes , our schools
[15:58] Mr Minio: that's fail
[15:58] Assassin#Amr3000: but the spirits of palastins will never die
[15:58] Assassin#Amr3000: they will not go down
[15:58] Mr Minio: palestine should be a place where meet all 3 religions
[15:59] Mr Minio: in peace
[15:59] Mr Minio: that's most important
[15:59] Assassin#Amr3000: israel want it alone
[15:59] Assassin#Amr3000: people of palastine running for cover , and they arnt know they are dead or live
[16:00] Assassin#Amr3000: isreal came with thier tanks and thier plans
[16:00] Mr Minio: are arabian symbols on your keyboard?
[16:00] Assassin#Amr3000: destroyed the houses and the mosques
[16:01] Mr Minio: do you know who's hitler?
[16:01] Assassin#Amr3000: yes of course
[16:01] Mr Minio: he destroyed poland
[16:01] Assassin#Amr3000: i know him like my name
[16:01] Mr Minio: and other countries too
[16:01] Assassin#Amr3000: he destoryed poland and burned 3/4 of jewesh
[16:02] Mr Minio: yes
[16:02] Mr Minio: in holocaust
[16:02] Assassin#Amr3000: okay
[16:02] Assassin#Amr3000: say to me why isreal doing that in palastine ?
[16:02] Assassin#Amr3000: do u see that it is fair ?
[16:02] Mr Minio: i understand you can dont like, or hate some peoples, but killing is terrible
[16:03] Mr Minio: no, i think wars arent ok
[16:03] Assassin#Amr3000: isreal will go down , isreal will destroyed , alah will not leave them
[16:03] Mr Minio: in war there arent winners, and losers, all sides are losers, because they peoples died
[16:03] Assassin#Amr3000: alah will show them what they showed to palastines and arabs
[16:03] Assassin#Amr3000: yes u r right
[16:04] Mr Minio: but unfortunatly, there's no way to block wars, they was, are, and will be
[16:04] Mr Minio: that's sad fact :(
[16:05] Mr Minio: and killing peoples because of his culture, race, or religion is very bad
[16:05] Assassin#Amr3000: isreal is killing palastines without any reasons
[16:05] Assassin#Amr3000: without war or fighting
[16:05] Assassin#Amr3000: and also america
[16:06] Mr Minio: and there's any reason why hitler began the war?
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: destroyed iraq
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: and is mascure them
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: without fighting
[16:06] Mr Minio: and executed hussain
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: they are just killing them
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: one day
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: all things will changed
[16:06] Mr Minio: ofc the'yre saying its all for the peace
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: all world will changed
[16:06] Assassin#Amr3000: one day
[16:06] Mr Minio: but as i said it, normal peoples are damaged most
[16:07] Assassin#Amr3000: all over the world will know the truth
[16:07] Mr Minio: and this truth will be good
[16:07] Assassin#Amr3000: yes u rright
[16:07] Mr Minio: for all sides
[16:07] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[16:08] Mr Minio: is there in your country egyptian language as a subject?
[16:08] Mr Minio: oh sorry arabian
[16:08] Mr Minio: here in poland is polish language
[16:08] Mr Minio: and we learn all things about us language
[16:08] Mr Minio: i must tell you our language is very hard
[16:09] Assassin#Amr3000: really ??
[16:09] Assassin#Amr3000: i've never read it or know any thing about it :D
[16:09] Assassin#Amr3000: but i think that arabic is more difficult
[16:09] Mr Minio: yes
[16:09] Mr Minio: other symbols
[16:10] Mr Minio: that language is hard too
[16:10] Mr Minio: chinese
[16:10] Mr Minio: that's hardest
[16:10] Assassin#Amr3000: chinese is imposible :))
[16:10] Mr Minio: impossible's nothing :P
[16:10] Assassin#Amr3000: Addidas
[16:10] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[16:10] Mr Minio: shoes?
[16:10] Mr Minio: :P
[16:11] Assassin#Amr3000: hehe
[16:11] Assassin#Amr3000: Just do it
[16:11] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[16:11] Mr Minio: do what?
[16:11] Mr Minio: learn chinese?
[16:11] Assassin#Amr3000: hehe Nevermind
[16:11] Assassin#Amr3000: i said Nike words
[16:11] Mr Minio: oooh
[16:11] Assassin#Amr3000: u know trade mark " NIKE " ?
[16:11] Mr Minio: yes
[16:12] Assassin#Amr3000: hehe
[16:12] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[16:12] Mr Minio: shoes, clothes etc
[16:12] Mr Minio: know it ofc
[16:12] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[16:12] Mr Minio: what's your favourite subject in school?
[16:13] Assassin#Amr3000: Maths :D
[16:13] Mr Minio: oh noooo i hate it!
[16:13] Assassin#Amr3000: and Art
[16:14] Mr Minio: mine's history and english
[16:14] Assassin#Amr3000: mmmm
[16:14] Assassin#Amr3000: good
[16:14] Mr Minio: hah!
[16:14] Mr Minio: i did my homeworks
[16:15] Assassin#Amr3000: Good work
[16:15] Mr Minio: it wasnt really difficult
[16:15] Mr Minio: just maths
[16:15] Assassin#Amr3000: mmm
[16:16] Mr Minio: tomorrow i'll have 6 lessons 2x english 1x german and 2x maths
[16:16] Assassin#Amr3000: ohhh
[16:17] Assassin#Amr3000: so eat well , sleep well , and do all things well :D
[16:17] Mr Minio: 6 lessons isnt much
[16:17] Mr Minio: 1 year ago i had 8
[16:17] Mr Minio: :P
[16:17] Mr Minio: and you?
[16:17] Mr Minio: how much lessons per day?
[16:18] Mr Minio: can you tell me music groups what you like?
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: i go to school
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[16:18] Mr Minio: now?
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: not lessons
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: no
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: still
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: after one month
[16:18] Mr Minio: no breaks?
[16:18] Assassin#Amr3000: now i'm in the summer
[16:19] Assassin#Amr3000: i go to school 5 days in the week
[16:19] Mr Minio: i have summer 16.06-1.09
[16:19] Mr Minio: me too
[16:19] Mr Minio: but you dont go in friday
[16:19] Assassin#Amr3000: and i have all the day there
[16:19] Mr Minio: and me not in sunday and
[16:19] Assassin#Amr3000: my friends and my works
[16:19] Mr Minio: forgot
[16:19] Mr Minio: lol
[16:19] Assassin#Amr3000: lol
[16:19] Mr Minio: sunday and...
[16:19] Mr Minio: SATURDAy
[16:19] Mr Minio: yes
[16:19] Mr Minio: xd
[16:20] Assassin#Amr3000: in egypt friday and saturday are holidays
[16:20] Assassin#Amr3000: and the other 5 are the school
[16:20] Mr Minio: is it true that green is forbidden color?
[16:20] Assassin#Amr3000: but the best days in the year the days of schools
[16:20] Assassin#Amr3000: who said that ?
[16:20] Mr Minio: dont know
[16:20] Mr Minio: just heard it
[16:20] Assassin#Amr3000: no
[16:20] Assassin#Amr3000: there is nothing is name is that
[16:21] Assassin#Amr3000: ah
[16:21] Assassin#Amr3000: i wanna ask u a question
[16:21] Mr Minio: yes?
[16:21] Assassin#Amr3000: what about girls in ur country and ur knowing with them and marriage and thoese things ?
[16:22] Mr Minio: you can have girl(but no many, then that girl can leave you :P), marraige, or no, and have kids etc, but have kids, or sex without marriage is a sin
[16:23] Mr Minio: than*
[16:23] Assassin#Amr3000: u can have sex and kida with a girl without marriage in ur country ?
[16:23] Mr Minio: can
[16:23] Assassin#Amr3000: and in the religion ?
[16:23] Assassin#Amr3000: can ???
[16:23] Mr Minio: cant
[16:24] Mr Minio: in religion cant
[16:24] Assassin#Amr3000: mmmm
[16:24] Mr Minio: but religious peoples do it
[16:24] Mr Minio: too
[16:24] Assassin#Amr3000: and u what will u do
[16:24] Mr Minio: and hve a sin
[16:24] Mr Minio: dont know
[16:24] Assassin#Amr3000: allah giude u to the right way
[16:24] Assassin#Amr3000: and giude us all
[16:24] Mr Minio: probably i'll have marriage and be sure that this girl really loves me
[16:24] Mr Minio: than sex
[16:24] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[16:25] Assassin#Amr3000: thats most importnat thing in our life
[16:25] Assassin#Amr3000: love
[16:25] Mr Minio: sex without marriage is a sin
[16:25] Assassin#Amr3000: love is most important than sex
[16:25] Mr Minio: i know
[16:25] Assassin#Amr3000: the sex will disappeard after years and years
[16:25] Assassin#Amr3000: but love will never go down
[16:26] Mr Minio: and in your religion what's with girls, sex, marriage etc, could you explain it?
[16:26] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[16:26] Assassin#Amr3000: in my religion i cant hold the hand of a girl untill i marry her
[16:27] Mr Minio: and can you masturbate oyurself?
[16:27] Mr Minio: in my religion its sin
[16:27] Assassin#Amr3000: i wanna explain that in a special way
[16:27] Assassin#Amr3000: but the words
[16:27] Assassin#Amr3000: is difficult
[16:27] Assassin#Amr3000: nop
[16:27] Assassin#Amr3000: it is imposible
[16:28] Assassin#Amr3000: an arabic quranic words cant explain it in english
[16:28] Mr Minio: poland is more free country, here you can be religious, but you can believe nothing, and be infidel too
[16:28] Assassin#Amr3000: i f u wanna know more about islam and know any thing about islam , the internet is full of all things
[16:29] Mr Minio: same as christianity
[16:29] Assassin#Amr3000: mmm
[16:29] Mr Minio: but hard to find it in arabian
[16:29] Mr Minio: i think
[16:29] Assassin#Amr3000: no it is very easy
[16:30] Assassin#Amr3000: egypt is full of christians
[16:30] Mr Minio: and you're sure that's not lie?
[16:30] Assassin#Amr3000: and i have lot of friends are christians
[16:30] Mr Minio: nice
[16:32] Mr Minio: what are you doing now?
[16:33] Mr Minio: i have to read a book, i must do it on polish lesson
[16:33] Mr Minio: but ill do it tomorrow
[16:34] Assassin#Amr3000: cristianity was a good religion and was right , but as soon as prophet jeses was taken to the heaven by alah , alah sent some one looks identical to him in order to be killed by the jewesh instead of the real prophit , so some people believed that the one who was killed by the jewesh is the prophet jeses and thats wrong as prophet jeses is still alive there in the heaven , and he will come to earth by alah in order to judge the world for forty years and to show that islam is the real religion and that cristianity is full of mistaks and not the real cristianity
[16:35] Mr Minio: ok, but are you sure that christianity have mistakes, maybe islam has?
[16:35] Mr Minio: you cant be sure in 100%
[16:36] Assassin#Amr3000: we are sure , the holy quraan is right and said that the islam is the final religion and the only religion all over the wolrd and for all Ages
[16:37] Mr Minio: biblie said same
[16:37] Mr Minio: so that is not a proof
[16:37] Assassin#Amr3000: who is biblie ?
[16:37] Mr Minio: holy book of christianity
[16:37] Assassin#Amr3000: ahhh
[16:39] Assassin#Amr3000: the word mohamad is exists in ur biblie as biblie said that jeses will send another prophit one day and many cristians now wait that day altough that prophet-who is mohamed- was sent for 1400 years
[16:41] Mr Minio: christ was borned in 0/1 year bc
[16:42] Mr Minio: mohammed was in 662
[16:42] Mr Minio: ne
[16:42] Mr Minio: so
[16:42] Mr Minio: 600 years later
[16:42] Mr Minio: do youk now jesus was crucify?
[16:42] Mr Minio: crucified8
[16:43] Assassin#Amr3000: i dont understand u
[16:44] Mr Minio: do you know what's cross?
[16:44] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[16:44] Assassin#Amr3000: el saleeb
[16:44] Mr Minio: he was murdered on it
[16:44] Assassin#Amr3000: yes but it is not the real prophet jeses
[16:45] Mr Minio: for me he is
[16:45] Mr Minio: a son of god
[16:45] Assassin#Amr3000: alah sent some one looks identical to him in order to be killed by the jewesh instead of the real prophit , so some people believed that the one who was killed by the jewesh is the prophet jeses and thats wrong as prophet jeses is still alive there in the heaven , and he will come to earth by alah in order to judge the world for forty years and to show that islam is the real religion
[16:46] Mr Minio: copy paste method?
[16:46] Assassin#Amr3000: there is no son oif alah , and no wife , no children , no parents , nothing , alah is a one god that creates that univers
[16:46] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[16:47] Mr Minio: jesus is a son of maria, and god, but maria and god didnt have sex, maria was a virgin
[16:48] Assassin#Amr3000: so there is no son
[16:48] Assassin#Amr3000: u said that
[16:48] Mr Minio: is
[16:48] Assassin#Amr3000: he is only a prophet sent by alah
[16:48] Assassin#Amr3000: not a son
[16:48] Mr Minio: god made it in maria's belly by his great power
[16:49] Mr Minio: christianity is older religion than islam
[16:49] Assassin#Amr3000: islam is the final religionj
[16:49] Assassin#Amr3000: that alah said that there is no religion exept islam untill the day of judjment
[16:50] Mr Minio: do you really believe that allah said it no mohammed?
[16:50] Assassin#Amr3000: said what
[16:50] Mr Minio: [16:49] Assassin#Amr3000: that alah said that there is no religion exept islam untill the day of judjment
[16:50] Assassin#Amr3000: yes alah said that
[16:51] Assassin#Amr3000: mohamed is right
[16:51] Mr Minio: maybe mahomed said it
[16:51] Assassin#Amr3000: no
[16:51] Assassin#Amr3000: mohamad said what alah said to him
[16:51] Mr Minio: maybe he lies
[16:51] Mr Minio: now u'll say that allah or mohammed never lies
[16:52] Assassin#Amr3000: mohamad couldnt right or read
[16:53] Assassin#Amr3000: how come man mohamad can create allllll of this quran alone
[16:53] Mr Minio: just he had helpers
[16:53] Assassin#Amr3000: and how come he knows the news of all the previous and past prophits
[16:53] Assassin#Amr3000: starting by adam
[16:54] Mr Minio: biblie was made by many peoples
[16:54] Assassin#Amr3000: alah tell him and said that in the quran
[16:54] Assassin#Amr3000: quran is the words of alah
[16:54] Assassin#Amr3000: not of mohamad
[16:54] Assassin#Amr3000: mohamad couldnt right or read
[16:54] Mr Minio: yeese
[16:55] Assassin#Amr3000: biblie was made by many people and not by alah , you said that
[16:55] Mr Minio: yes
[16:55] Mr Minio: i dont believe that quran was made by hand of god
[16:55] Mr Minio: alah
[16:55] Mr Minio: what when god and alah is the same person?
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: alah sent an angel to tell mohamad the holy quraan
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: if mohmad lies
[16:57] Mr Minio: your religion is wrong
[16:57] Mr Minio: if he lies
[16:57] Mr Minio: ofc
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: how did mohamad knows the stories of other prophets
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: no
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: sorry
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: thats enough
[16:57] Assassin#Amr3000: we are talking about the religion
[16:58] Assassin#Amr3000: and we dont want racism in the religions
[16:58] Assassin#Amr3000: we are just talking
[16:58] Mr Minio: i said if mohamad lies your erligion is wrong, but i dont know he lies or not
[16:59] Mr Minio: how jesus made miracles?
[16:59] Mr Minio: same
[16:59] Assassin#Amr3000: we know that our religion is right 100% , and u that ur religion is right 100% , leave it to allah , and one day he will show us who is the right
[16:59] Mr Minio: alright
[16:59] Assassin#Amr3000: alah give him the power to make those miracles
[16:59] Assassin#Amr3000: itt is not his own power
[16:59] Assassin#Amr3000: its alah's power
[17:00] Mr Minio: yes
[17:00] Mr Minio: god's power
[17:00] Mr Minio: you're right
[17:00] Mr Minio: but god made all world but who or what made him?
[17:00] Assassin#Amr3000: jeses is not murderd and he is still alive in the heaven and he will come to the earth one day
[17:00] Mr Minio: it's impossible to know
[17:00] Mr Minio: for us
[17:00] Assassin#Amr3000: as a Great mark of the day of judgment
[17:01] Mr Minio: [17:00] Assassin#Amr3000: jeses is not murderd and he is still alive in the heaven and he will come to the earth one day ||| i know because he ressurect
[17:01] Mr Minio: ed
[17:01] Assassin#Amr3000: ressurect ??
[17:01] Mr Minio: our religions are smiliar
[17:01] Assassin#Amr3000: what it means ?
[17:01] Mr Minio: whe someone is dead and later is alive
[17:02] Assassin#Amr3000: you means that they murdered him and his soul go upwards to the heaven ?
[17:02] Assassin#Amr3000: ??
[17:03] Mr Minio: someone like this, but not soul, but he
[17:03] Mr Minio: he had his body
[17:03] Mr Minio: and hurts of nails
[17:03] Assassin#Amr3000: yes you said that...... yes, he wasnt murderd
[17:03] Mr Minio: but for romanian was
[17:03] Assassin#Amr3000: that one u r talking about is not the prophet
[17:04] Mr Minio: your opinion
[17:04] Assassin#Amr3000: he is another one look identical to him
[17:04] Assassin#Amr3000: i said to u that alah sent another one in order not to hurt jesus
[17:04] Assassin#Amr3000: or murderd him
[17:05] Mr Minio: so he sent jesus clone?
[17:05] Assassin#Amr3000: right
[17:05] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[17:05] Mr Minio: i hear it 1st time
[17:05] Mr Minio: islam says something other than biblie
[17:06] Assassin#Amr3000: biblie is the words of some people , but quraan is the words of allah our god
[17:06] Assassin#Amr3000: and no one will know any thing more than our Gr8 God
[17:07] Mr Minio: yes
[17:08] Mr Minio: i'm very mad when someone laughs about god
[17:08] Mr Minio: it's sin
[17:09] Mr Minio: he can dont believe him for me, but he must respect him
[17:09] Mr Minio: how much hours d oyou spend with computer?
[17:10] Assassin#Amr3000: alot
[17:10] Mr Minio: me too
[17:10] Mr Minio: how much years man must ahve to be married?
[17:11] Mr Minio: have*
[17:11] Assassin#Amr3000: alot of years
[17:11] Assassin#Amr3000: not less than 8 years
[17:11] Mr Minio: ...
[17:11] Mr Minio: here he must have more than 18
[17:11] Mr Minio: when someone has 8 years he's still child
[17:12] Mr Minio: do you have wife then?
[17:12] Assassin#Amr3000: afkter 8 years we will be 23 or 24 years old
[17:12] Mr Minio: how?
[17:13] Mr Minio: ok i understand
[17:13] Mr Minio: :)
[17:13] Assassin#Amr3000: :D
[17:13] Assassin#Amr3000: alah will show us
[17:13] Mr Minio: [17:12] Mr Minio: do you have wife then?
[17:13] Assassin#Amr3000: alah giude us all to the right way
[17:13] Assassin#Amr3000: me ??
[17:13] Mr Minio: yes
[17:13] Assassin#Amr3000: of course not
[17:13] Mr Minio: me not too
[17:13] Assassin#Amr3000: i will have it after many years not less than 8 years
[17:14] Mr Minio: i'm going to play guitar
[17:14] Mr Minio: nice instrument i guess
[17:14] Mr Minio: are you playing something?
[17:15] Assassin#Amr3000: hehe i'm singing
[17:15] Assassin#Amr3000: and painting
[17:15] Mr Minio: nice
[17:15] Assassin#Amr3000: thankgod
[17:15] Mr Minio: for what?
[17:15] Mr Minio: for that you can sing?
[17:15] Assassin#Amr3000: for this hopes
[17:15] Assassin#Amr3000: and can paint
[17:15] Assassin#Amr3000: and live in peace
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: and live with money
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: and have a family
[17:16] Mr Minio: peace is most important
[17:16] Mr Minio: family too
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: i thankgod tooooooo much
[17:16] Mr Minio: you're very religious
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: there is some people i dont know how they are living
[17:16] Mr Minio: me too i go to church every week
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: good
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: i see that
[17:16] Assassin#Amr3000: u r too
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: nice conversation
[17:17] Mr Minio: some peoples dont do it
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: here
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: in egypt
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: they not religios
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: no body from them goto cathedral
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: or church
[17:17] Mr Minio: oh
[17:17] Assassin#Amr3000: wearing a dity clothes and make us hate them
[17:18] Assassin#Amr3000: but alah giude us all to the right way
[17:18] Assassin#Amr3000: our god help us
[17:18] Assassin#Amr3000: please god help us
[17:18] Mr Minio: i see youre good human
[17:18] Mr Minio: i like you
[17:19] Mr Minio: and what's about gays and lesbians our religion dont accept it
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: thankyou very much , u r the good human
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: there is
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: in egypt
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: gays
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: sex
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: lesbiens
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: there is all of this bad things
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: in any place
[17:19] Assassin#Amr3000: allah giude them to the right way
[17:19] Mr Minio: is it forbidden?
[17:20] Assassin#Amr3000: yes of course
[17:20] Assassin#Amr3000: it is out of religion
[17:20] Mr Minio: i dont know how someone can loves person who has same sex
[17:20] Assassin#Amr3000: alah giude all of the bad persons
[17:20] Mr Minio: strange
[17:20] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[17:20] Mr Minio: in holland its allowed
[17:21] Mr Minio: there these peoples can be marriage
[17:22] Assassin#Amr3000: i hope that alah giude us all to the right way and giude me and u to the right , i dont wish that any of us be wrong
[17:22] Mr Minio: we are all right
[17:22] Mr Minio: because we believe in god
[17:22] Assassin#Amr3000: i wish that me and u be right , and all people who had good hearts be right
[17:22] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[17:22] Assassin#Amr3000: and alah , our god, know what in our hearts
[17:23] Assassin#Amr3000: and he will giude us
[17:23] Mr Minio: yes
[17:23] Assassin#Amr3000: he will help us
[17:23] Mr Minio: he knows who's good
[17:23] Assassin#Amr3000: yes
[17:23] Assassin#Amr3000: he know what in our hearts
[17:24] Mr Minio: do you know that ortodiocial jewish cant run computer watch tv etc?
[17:24] Assassin#Amr3000: i had to go now , because i will bring somethings to my mother from the market , we must talk again ,okay ?
[17:24] Mr Minio: okay
[17:24] Assassin#Amr3000: swear
[17:24] Mr Minio: nice to met you
[17:24] Mr Minio: bye
[17:25] Assassin#Amr3000: thnx
[17:25] Assassin#Amr3000: nice 2 meet u too
[17:25] Assassin#Amr3000: bye
[17:25] Assassin#Amr3000: cya
[17:25] Mr Minio: cya

"Are the hills going to march off?
Will heaven fall upon us?
Will the Earth open under us?
We don't know. We don't know, for a total eclipse has come upon us..."
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Posty: 1227
Rejestracja: 28 gru 2006, 16:51
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz / Gdańsk

15 wrz 2009, 17:57

Ciekawa rozmowa, Egipcjanin wykazuje cechy właściwe mormonom i jehowym, którzy przychodzą do domu, bądź zaczepiają na ulicy (bez obrazy), czyli próbuje słowami przekonać do swoich racji w każdej możliwej chwili, wydaje się nie słuchać drugiej strony. Do tego dochodzą puste słowa w stylu - Allah nas poprowadzi, Allah zbawi złych ludzi - kiedy, jak, gdzie? Brak tu logiki i racjonalnego myślenia. Poglądowy beton, który nie dopuszcza innej możliwości - on ma rację i koniec, nawet nie stara się wysłuchać drugiej strony. Szkoda, bo Islam i Chrześcijaństwo mają wiele wspólnego. Mogłeś go spytać, dlaczego nie pozwalają budować kościołów w swoich krajach (o synagogi lepiej nie pytaj :D), pewnie dostaniesz odpowiedź, że nie pozwalają szerzyć fałszywej religii :D.

Interesuje mnie jeszcze zdanie, że Allah karze karać ludzi, którzy odwrócili się od Islamu? Skąd więc tyle nienawiści religijnej do innych w tych ludziach, wszak Islam jest najmłodszą z wielkich religii świata.
Ostatnio zmieniony 15 wrz 2009, 17:59 przez Kariko, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

Awatar użytkownika
Mr Minio
Posty: 7035
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2007, 14:24

15 wrz 2009, 18:03

Kariko pisze: Mogłeś go spytać, dlaczego nie pozwalają budować kościołów w swoich krajach.
Gadam z nim właśnie, więc napisz mi jak to będzie po angielsku to się spytam :P

EDIT: spytałem się:
[18:05] Mr Minio: why islam does not expect building churches in countries where islam is a main religion?

a on napisał, że idzie coś zjeść i jak wróci to mi odpowie. To sobie poczekamy :P

EDIT 2: teraz widzę, że powinno byc accept, ale chyba zrozumiał...


[18:23] Mr Minio: why islam does not allowe building churches in countries where islam is a main religion?
[18:24] Assassin#Amr3000: saudia arabia only
[18:24] Assassin#Amr3000: egypt full of churchs
[18:24] Assassin#Amr3000: lebnon
[18:24] Assassin#Amr3000: sorya
[18:24] Assassin#Amr3000: all
[18:24] Mr Minio: but why in arabia?
[18:24] Assassin#Amr3000: araibia is the most islamic country
[18:25] Assassin#Amr3000: there is no christians in it to biuld for them any thing

gada, że w arabii nie ma chrześcijan...
Ostatnio zmieniony 15 wrz 2009, 18:25 przez Mr Minio, łącznie zmieniany 3 razy.

"Are the hills going to march off?
Will heaven fall upon us?
Will the Earth open under us?
We don't know. We don't know, for a total eclipse has come upon us..."
Awatar użytkownika
Posty: 1227
Rejestracja: 28 gru 2006, 16:51
Lokalizacja: Bydgoszcz / Gdańsk

15 wrz 2009, 18:57

Mr Minio pisze:
gada, że w arabii nie ma chrześcijan...
Mkay, zaspokoiłeś moją ciekawość. Wymienił Liban, że są tam kościoły, tam jest ciekawa sytuacja, gdyż przynależność do danej religii ma swoje sankcje w polityce. W Libanie są dwie dominujące religie - Islam, który dzieli się na 2 grupy - sunnici i szyici i jakiś odłam prawosławia. Jest tam nietypowe prawo, które nakazuje, by prezydent był prawosławny, premier rządu sunnitą, a marszałek sejmu szyitą (albo na odwrót, teraz nie pamiętam). Miałem też nieprzyjemność poznać Libańczyka w World of Warcraft. Strasznie nieprzyjemna osoba. Lubił prześladować innych ludzi, przy czym podlizywał się liderom gildii, cóż taki charakter, religii w to nie mieszał :)
Ostatnio zmieniony 15 wrz 2009, 19:56 przez Kariko, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

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Wytrenowany morderca
Wytrenowany morderca
Posty: 1996
Rejestracja: 20 sie 2008, 14:31
Lokalizacja: Outer-Outer Heaven

15 wrz 2009, 23:24

Mr Minio pisze: [15:32] Mr Minio: look, i believe god is only 1, peoples call him god, allah, buddha, or other, but it's still SAME GOD
Chciałem zaznaczyć, że buddyzm to religia nonteistyczna, a Budda był jej założycielem, a nie bogiem.
Assassin pisze: [15:44] Assassin#Amr3000: who mad all of that
A kto stworzył bogów? :> Na oba pytania nie da się odpowiedzieć w racjonalny sposób - i na nie nie odpowie nawet nauka. A czasami nawet lepiej, żeby ludzie wszystkiego nie wiedzieli...
Mr Minio pisze: [16:41] Mr Minio: christ was borned in 0/1 year bc
Nieprawda! Jezus urodził się 7-3 lata p.n.e.

Sory za czepialstwo... :P

A co do gościa - czemu od razu gadacie o religiach? Nie dacie sobie z tym fory i nie będziecie gadać jak normalni ludzie, a tematu religii unikać jak się da? Jeszcze sobie wroga zyskasz... a jak on będzie proponował temat religii (za pierwszym razem) - ja bym powiedział, że nie mam ochoty o tym rozmawiać, jakby naciskał - to bym zwyczajnie gościa olał ciepłym moczem. Przykro mi.

Dla mnie to jest po prostu podlizywanie się, a potem nawracanie...

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Seryjny zabójca
Posty: 426
Rejestracja: 24 lut 2007, 18:39
Lokalizacja: Stalowa Wola

16 wrz 2009, 15:09

Loc ale przyznaj ile miałeś okazji gadać z kimś o odmiennej religii od twojej (chyba że jesteś ateistą to wiadomo xD). Tak samo jak Mr Minio chciałbym się dowiedzieć coś o innej religii prosto od człowieka który ją praktykuje, a nie przez media itp. Według mnie to ciekawa rozmowa ale nie miałem czasu jej całej przeczytać
Ostatnio zmieniony 16 wrz 2009, 19:39 przez Punisher, łącznie zmieniany 1 raz.

"Musimy być niewolnikami praw abyśmy byli wolni" - Cyceron
Awatar użytkownika
Mr Minio
Posty: 7035
Rejestracja: 16 wrz 2007, 14:24

16 wrz 2009, 15:14

Punisher pisze: Mr. Minio
Mr Minio bez kropki!
Punisher pisze: ale nie miałem czasu jej całej przeczytać
A więc znajduj czas i lecisz! xD

Dzisiaj jak ten koleś będzie dostępny to znowu do niego napiszę. Może narodzić się ciekawa dyskusja.

"Are the hills going to march off?
Will heaven fall upon us?
Will the Earth open under us?
We don't know. We don't know, for a total eclipse has come upon us..."
Awatar użytkownika
Seryjny zabójca
Posty: 426
Rejestracja: 24 lut 2007, 18:39
Lokalizacja: Stalowa Wola

16 wrz 2009, 19:39

Mr Minio pisze:Punisher napisał/a:
Mr. Minio

Mr Minio bez kropki!
Aj przepraszam zaraz poprawię. Co do czasu mało go mam teraz na cokolwiek, a jak go już mam to wole z kumplami posiedzieć niż na necie :/

"Musimy być niewolnikami praw abyśmy byli wolni" - Cyceron